Friday, April 25, 2008

We've done our best for our model
And it turned out great.

We had some bad times

but things turned out ok for our meeting
We had a group pic

12:56:00 AM

We had a meeting today with our literature teacher, Mrs boy a.k.a Mdm Yew, having said on our project. We intend on stating on our the model links to the novel Bridge to Terabithia. After the comments from Mrs Boy, we started on choosing our group name
So we have chosen our group to be named ClXY3.

12:43:00 AM

~We bought the materials needed for the model. We bought ice-cream sticks, toy erasers, green board, super glue.
~We also used our own materials at home such as toliet paper rolls, toothpicks, paper, paint,etc.

~We started out organinsing ourselves by giving each of us a role.
~Yunxian = painting the river on the board
~Yuhui = build the treehouse with ice-cream sticks
~Charissa = build the see-saw
~Xinyi and Liting = Modified the blog
~Yingwei = painted pebbles beside river banks

After that,
~Yuhui = build the links to the slide, build slide too
~Charissa = painted treehouse
~Yunxian and Yingwei = painted ice-cream sticks for the builindg of the brdige across the river
~Xinyi and Liting = Build the plastic balls container with plastic and ice-cream sticks

After that,
~Yuhui, Yunxian and Yingwei = stick flower decorations and eraser toys onto the board
~Charissa,Xinyi and Liting = rolling paper balls to represent plastic balls

We finished doing this in one day:

We continue the other features at our own houses:
~Charissa = egg shell pathway, tramboline
~Yuhui = swing
~Yunxian = benches
~Liting = tv

Bringing the features together forming our completed porject:

12:22:00 AM

This is Group 1 members:
Charissa(1) Leader
Ying Wei(5) Presenter
Yuhui(8) Designer
Yunxian(9) Researcher
Liting(11) Builder
Xinyi(15) Secretary

12:01:00 AM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Eco-friendly features about my group's 3D-model:

` Toilet paper rolls for tree trunks

` Tiny paper balls for plastic balls

` Egg shells for pathway across the river

` Straws to make benches

` Green-coloured paper for tree leaves

` Used paper and wrapped in black tape for swing seat

` Toothpicks for see-saw handles

` Clothes pegs for trampoline legs


material used for the model:
` Ice-cream sticks

` Toilet paper roll

` Toothpicks

` Straws

` Egg shell

` Clothes pegs

` Paper

` Black duct tape

` Flower-shaped clips

` Corrugated plastic board

` Small animal-shaped erasers

` Toilet paper

` Clear plastic bags

` Old stocking

` String

Playground concept that are linked to the novel:

` A tree house like the one Jesse & Leslie played in

` A small creek to cross into Terabithia

` Wooden bridge that Jesse made at the end of the novel

` Egg shell path to recreate the pebble path Jesse & leslie took to get to the Gates of Terabithia

Playground design that meets the special needs of the children:
` Soft, rubbery material for flooring

` Unique & interesting seats on see-saw

` Benches for any adults supervising & tired children

` Toys are soft & rubberized

` Playground has bright attractive colours

` Playground has recreated scene of a forest with mordern playground equipment

Explanation of how the design meets the special needs of children:

` Soft, rubbery material ensures that children do not sustain injury if they fall

` See-saw seats are appealing to the eye

` Benches for use of adult supervision & for television shows

` Soft & rubberized toys minimise injury when children run around

` Bright colours are attractive and will lighten the mood of children who are aware of their predicament

` Looks like a forest to recreate the scene in Bridge to Terabithia which has a calming feel to it & mordern equipment make the place more enticing

` Xinyi~15

7:05:00 AM


i finally completed the final drawing of how the playground look like.


7:02:00 AM

Eco-friendly features about my group's 3D-model:

- We use toilet paper rolls to make the tree trunks

- We use used papers to make into paper balls for the plastic balls

- We use egg shells to make the pathway

- We use straws to make the benches

- We use green coloured paper to make the leaves of the trees

- We use used papers and wrap it up with black tape to make the seat of the swing

- We use toothpicks as the handle of the see-saw

- We use clothes pegs to hold the trampoline


material used for the model:

- ice-cream sticks

- toilet paper roll

- toothpicks

- straws

- egg shells

- clothes pegs

- paper

- black tape

- flower patterned clips

- plastic board

Playground concept that are linked to the novel:

- We have built a tree house as there is also a tree house to bridge to terabithia

- Jess and Leslie need to cross a river in order to get to terabithia and we painted a river in our playground

- We have built a bridge as Jess had built an imaginary bridge at the end of the story

Playground design that meets the special needs of the children:

- the soft and rubbery material for the flooring

- the soft seats on the see-saw

- there are benches in the playground

- the toys in the playground are all soft and rubbery

- the playground is filled with bright colours

Explanation of how the design meets the special needs of children:

- the soft and rubbery material for the flooring is so as to ensure that the children do not hurt themselves when they fall

- the soft seats on the see-saw is to make the children feel comfortable

- the benches are there so that the children can watch the television and also rest if they are tired

- the toys in the playground are all soft and rubbery so the children will not get hurt

- the playground is filled with bright colours as children likes things with bright colours and it will make the happy

- Yunxian ( 9 )

4:06:00 AM

Eco-friendly features about my group's 3D-model:

~The tree trunk is made of toilet roll

~The seat of the swing is made of used paper and wrap it with black tape

~We use green coloured paper to make the leaves of the tree

~We crush small bit of used paper (including the leftover of the green coloured paper) and paint a coating over it

~We used toothpicks as the handle of the see-saw

~We used chips of egg shell to make the pathway

~We used peg as the stand of the trampoline

~We used straws to make benches

Playground concept that are linked to the novel:

~material used

-ice-cream sticks


-egg shell




-flower patterned clips


-cloth pegs


-toilet rolls


-black tape

-plastic board

playground concept that are linked to the novel:

~ River

~ swing

~ treehouse

~ bridge

Explanation of how the designs are linked to the novel:

~There is a river to cross to reach Teribithia, so we painted a river on the plastic board to represent it

~Teribithia was a treehouse so we build this playground with the idea of having a treehouse

~The swing as the swing in the movie to cross to Teribithia

~The bridge in the model with the idea of the bridge build at the end of the story by Jess

Playground design that meets the special needs of the children:

~soft and rubbery materials used for mat


~soft toys

Explanation of how the design meets the special needs of children:

~the soft and rubbery mat will ensure that the children will not injured themselves badly when they fall down while playing

~the soft toys will not hurt the children as they are soft and cause no danger

~the benches is for the children to sit while watching the television and to take a rest after playing

~the colour of the playground should let the terminally ill children to feel happy and have fun playing when they can play


12:03:00 AM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Eco-friendly features about my group's model:
~ We used peg(mini clips) of the stands of the trampoline
~ We used used stockings for the the trampoline
~ We used cardboard for the sides of the trampoline and used chewing gum wrapper to wrap it
~ We used toliet rolls for the tree and ice cream sticks for the tree house, bridge, ladder, slide
~ We used the plastic string used for packing food plastic bags for the strings for the swing
~ We used straws to build the benches
~ We used egg shell for the pathway
~ We used paper and rolled it into little balls for the plastic balls

materials used for the model:
~ paper
~ glue
~ blue tack
~ egg shell
~ plastic bag string
~ ice cream sticks
~ toliet paper rolls
~ duck tape
~ straw
~ paint
~ tooth picks
~ stocking
~ pegs(clips)
~ plastic bags

playground concept that are linked to the novel:
~ River
~ swing
~ treehouse
~ bridge

Explanation of how the designs are linked to the novel:
~ We have chosen the forest theme is linked to Bridge Terabithia which is inclusive of the treehouse, stuff toys, flower decoration
~ In the movie, a treehouse was build which we have also included in our model
~ A bridge to Bridge terabithia at the end of the movie where Jess on his own, we have also build a small bridge of our own linking from one side of the painted river to the other side. (p.s our playground does not have a river. just blue painted floor. it is for both our actual and model playground.)

Playground design that meets the special needs of the children:
~ soft and rubbery materials
~ Benches for sitting purposes and to sit to watch television
~ half filled plastic balls
~ soft rubbery stuff toys

Explanation of how the design meets the special needs of children:
~ terminally ill children need the most fun before they suffer from their illness so this playground is build for the best for the children
~ it is build with safe materials for the protection of the children and yet fun items in the playground to play.
~ the stuff toys are made of rubber for the chidldren to not hurt themselves as it is soft
~ we do not fill the plastic ball to the brim just about half as so not to be as high as the children.


11:45:00 PM

Eco-friendly features about my group's model:
-We use toilet rolls for the tree trunks
-We use used paper and wrap it in black tape to make the swing seat
-We use small bits of used paper to make the plastic balls after colouring it
-We use the remaining green coloured paper to make leaves for the trees

-materials used
.ice-cream sticks
.flower patterned clips
.black tape
.cloth pegs
.plastic sheet
.plastic board
-(photographs are placed in different posts)

Playground concept that are linked to the novel:
-The title bridge to terabithia
-The movie shows a river
-There was a treehouse in the movie

Explaination of how the designs are linked to the novel:
-We made a bridge are the title of thhe novel is bridge of terabithia
-We made the model look like the people are crossing the bridge to the other side of the river as jess and leslie has to cross from one side to the other
-We created a treehouse as there is one in the movie and the children might like it.

Playground design that meets the special needs of the children:
- The soft toys are made of materials that prevents the dust from sticking to it.
- Chairs are placed in the playground

Explaination of how the design meets the special needs of the children:
As the children we chose are those with terminal diseases so they should be able to do things other than strenuous exercises, so the games we put in the playground are games that are safe and fun.
-This will prevent the children from playing with dusty toys that might affect their illnesses.
-If the children do not want to continue playing, he can sit down and rest.


7:03:00 AM

We have added some modification to the model.
trampoline, swing, pathway, benches

3:33:00 AM

Friday, April 18, 2008

We have done most of the 3D model in one day which is today.
We have completed the slide, plastic balls, stuff animals, flower decoration, tree house, trees, bridge, see-saw.
but we have yet to finish the swing and many more...

4:01:00 AM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The desire to play comes naturally to all children and its value is undeniable. The process of playing increases a child's self-esteem, opens a young mind to new possibilities, and develops social, verbal, and problem-solving skills. It is indeed as the old adage says: play is the child's work. Since its inception at the start of the 20th century, playground design in the U.S. has advanced dramatically from the traditional playgrounds of isolated metal pieces of play equipment to today's composite structures of imaginative play activities that are designed to high standards of safety and durability. Still, it is important to remember that the process and quality of play cannot be purchased. It is provided by the child's imagination and innate desire to play. Therefore, the goal of designing for play is simply to create an environment that will beckon to children and enrich their 'work' of play. Which to motivate them we have chosen the forest theme.
With slides and swings included, we have added big stuffy toys for the children to sit,lay down or aply with them.
But safety comes first, therefore we have chosen safe materials for our actuak playground but for our 3D model we've used recycled materials such as toliet paper roll, tissue, paper, ice cream sticks, cloth for our mats or the floor.
To reduce the risk of injury due to falls, playground equipment should be located above a shock-absorbing, or safety, surface. Each surfacing material has a Critical Height factor. The Critical Height of a material is approximately the height below which a life-threatening head injury incurred from a fall would not be expected. The Critical Height factor is directly related to the depth of the material: the thicker the material, the greater its shock-absorbency and its Critical Height factor. The proper material and depth of a safety surface is determined by installing a material at a depth at which the Fall Height of the playground equipment is less than the Critical Height of the safety surfacing. The Fall Height is the maximum height from which a child may potentially fall from a particular piece of play equipment.Poured-in-place rubber and rubber mats are becoming increasingly popular in their use as a safety surfacing in playgrounds.

The process of estimating the construction of a playground is similar to that of the construction of any environment. However, costs sometimes become more difficult to predict for playgrounds that are being built through volunteer labor using donated or at-cost materials. The cost of initial site work is also often substantial and should be determined early in the design process.

10:49:00 PM

(All in Singapore dollars)

- Forest green velvet fabric : $6 for a yard (3 feets)
$120 for 20 yards
- Plastic timber : $37.95 each for 1-10 pieces (4 foot by 6 foot)
$35.95 each for 11-20 pieces
$34.95 each for 20-40 pieces
$33.95 each for 41-80 pieces
- Swing set: $5000+
(tire swingseat: $69.99)
(protective swing mat: $119)
- Seesaw: $789 (4' to 12')
- Double Spring riders: $649
- Single spring rider: $454
- Fun balls: $1.26 each
- Big stuff toys: $80.43 each
$241.29 for 3
- Planks of woods: $5.98 per square feet
- Beanbag chair: $79.98 each
$479.88 for 6
- Rubber playground surface: $28.00 per square feet
- Blue and green paint: $8.00 per tin
- Cushion: $26.71
- Monkey bar: $557.54
- Children's ladder: $61.44
- Tree house: $53,497,20

10:07:00 PM

We have found many materials and pictures for our project work.
We have now started on our 3D model buying most of the materials...
next day starting on the 3D model......

9:59:00 PM

in this project,we are going to make a special playground which would cater to the special needs of some people.We would use evnvironmental friendly materials such as plastic and rubber to make the playground. In one of the concepts,there is a playground with treehouse.This treehoouse is related to the nvel as, in the novel,Leslie and Jesse made a treehouse in Terabithia.In another idea,we decided to make the playground surrounded by trees as in the novel,their kingdom was in the forest.In another idea,we would make a enclosed area in the playground and in the internal part,we would make it feel like we are in the kingdom in the novel.Among the ideas, we chose to make a playground that would help in catering to the needs of those mith terminal disease.This playground would be design in a cheerful mood so that the children will be happy although they may die soon.This playground would give them the will to live and this may help in thie medical conditions.When a person is happy,the longer a person would live ^^.We would make this playground woth our heart so that it will be better and the children would be happier.


9:48:00 PM

This was the starting idea for the model, the one i am working on is not completed yet. Just so you know how the thing roughly looks like.


1:49:00 AM

Monday, April 14, 2008

it kind of fits our theme, forest. For the part circled in purple, we could make it look like vines hanging from tree to tree. And for the one circled in blue, we can make it like a branch.


12:18:00 AM

Thursday, April 10, 2008

there will be a part of the playground that resembles this. i got this idea from the river jess and leslie swing across. it looks really nice.


1:41:00 AM

there will be a few swings located in the playground, something like the one in the picture. it is for people to sit on when they don't feel like playing and just feel like sitting around.


1:37:00 AM

this slide is found in a school like the one jess study in. the legs of the slide, (circled in red), is not straight but is still useable, in fact i find the design very unique.maybe if we use this kind of design, it might look more like those found in the forest.

found at ''


1:22:00 AM

I was thinking of adding a slide to the playground as lot of children likes it. But i will make the slide look better by using different tones of green and brown that can be found in the forest.In the movie, whenever jess and leslie want to go down, they have to climb down, which i find is very troublesome. So i think that with a slide, the childrens will not have to climb down every time.

found at ''


1:13:00 AM

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I found this picture extraordinary as this playground is on a mountain. The tree house in this picture is similar to that of the movie, Bridge to Terabithia. I like the treehouse alot as if we are tired, we could rest there and the playground is a suitable place for a gathering between children.


1:17:00 AM

A good playground should be able to attract children to it, and it seems to match our theme. I think that our playground should be something like that.


1:14:00 AM

I found this of Google, thought it might be cool for our project... I like the way the artist structured the roots & branches. So Cool! Hope I can ever do a better job... GO TEAM!! XD


1:11:00 AM

I found this picture really innovative. The playground looks like a giant box. I know the picture's a little blur, but if you look carefully you can see that there's a treetrunk supporting from the middle, and there's a little house on the left. I think it looks cute. :)

1:05:00 AM

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Playground Type: Outdoor
Target Group: Children with non-contagious but terminal illnesses

The theme is like a forest. Any treetrunks are made of metal covered with a brown plastic layer and leaves are made of green velvet or plastic. There will be a river painted on the ground andbig animal plushies cushions for random play andd seating.


10:27:00 PM

Leader: Charissa
Secretary: Xinyi
Research: Yunxian
Design: Yuhui
Presenter: Yingwei
Builder: Liting

10:13:00 PM